SPF Sunscreen Testing

SPF testing is conducted using a Solar Simulator. As the name suggests, this device simulates the UV light emitted by the sun. After application of the product on a volunteer’s back, the skin is exposed to UV light for different periods of time. A SPF reference sunscreen is also applied to a section of the volunteer’s back to serve as a validation reference for the SPF determination. The resultant red patches (erythema) are evaluated by a trained laboratory technician for erythema at T16Hrs to T24Hrs after the application time. The pattern and intensity of erythema are used to calculate the actual SPF number for the test product. The final SPF is the numerical mean all the valid SPFi results for each test subject.

SPF Testing are performed to ensure compliance to ISO24444 Cosmetics – Sun Protection Test Methods – In Vivo Determination of the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) as well as SANS1557 SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL STANDARD – Sunscreen products within South Africa.

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